Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Deep Conditioning 101

Being natural is not the easiest thing and doing it for 5 years I have definitely developed a real relationship with my hair. One thing we naturals can agree on is the wash day routine can be a pain, however, there are no ways around it. If you cheat your hair suffers and unfortunately, it will eventually show.

When it comes to having healthy hair whether relaxed or natural, curly or straight you need to have the right products and the right techniques for your hair. There are many products out there in the market and you can only know what works for you by trial and error.
One thing I have learned about my hair is the need to consistently try out and rotate new products every 3-6 months as when the product gets used to my hair it stops being as effective.

My wash day routine has always been the same: 
1. Cleanse
2. Condition
3. Deep Condition
4. Style

Although the routine has been the same my techniques have changed and today we will be discussing my deep condition routine. 
When it comes to deep conditioning my hair my philosophy is a quality product, time, patience and care. My hair has a curly pattern of 3b/3c and quite fine hair so deep conditioning is not every week but rather every 2 weeks. Deep conditioning is very essential to maintaining healthy soft manageable hair.

How I deep Condition:

1. I wash and condition my hair in the shower currently using the Herbal Essences Shampoo Naked Daily Clean for all hair types to cleanse my hair from build-up and condition using the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner.

2. I then rinse off the conditioner after 10 minutes, then apply my deep conditioning hair mask - Shea Moisture Superfruit Complex 10 in 1 Renewal System Hair Masque and cover with a shower cap.

3.  I then sit under the hairdryer hood attachment for 45 minutes to an hour before finally rinsing off the mask.

The hairdryer attachment has been a game-changer for me as it cuts the deep conditioning time significantly as before I would sit the mask in my hair for hours on end, sometimes the whole day with layers of towels to keep the heat/steam in so the mask penetrates through the hair shaft. The attachment I have been using is the Deluxe Softhood by Hair Flair in the colour black. The attachment has a drawstring adjustment so you can adjust according to your head size. 
The quality of the attachment is great and I have used it for over a year now and it has withstood the test of time.
You can purchase the Soft hood attachment on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RXYSzB 

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