Wednesday 7 April 2021



Hi Everyone,

Today's post is all about makeup, with today's society and influence of social media platforms we have all become extreme consumers and hoarders of makeup we never use. When the restrictions were put in place most of us went months without wearing any makeup and now that everything is opening up again it's time to dust of those makeup draws. The first thing I would recommend you do it to throw away anything you have had for over 12-18 months - trust me you do not want to use that on your face (I'm speaking from experience here). Next is to sit down, evaluate and really truly ask yourself what do you really use? Why did you buy all of that makeup? Do you need all of it?

I asked myself those questions and realised the only reason why I had a huge collection (in my definition) was purely based on following trends and wanting to say "yes" I have that lipstick. So I took time to go through my make up bag and brought it down to what I need and anything that was old went straight to the bin!

I am not going to lie, it was painful but it was needed. Holding on to stuff that you do not need is a waste of space (literally) and a waste of money. There is no value in an item you do not use!

With that said if you are nosey and want to see what I keep in my makeup bag or how I do my natural no makeup look - click on the below links

Until the next one 

Michelle. x