Wednesday, 2 August 2017


So I was honoured and blessed to have the oppourtunity to interview a two time Zim Achievers nominee, Gospel music radio DJ -  DJ Blessed. We hope this interview inspires you to do what you love and never give up on your dreams regardless of what other people think, there is only one you and you get to live with you. 
You can catch DJ Blessed on air 8pm GMT UK Time - Mondays at

So who is DJ Blessed?
DJ Blessed is a UK based Gospel DJ who is a two time nominee for the Zimbabwe Achievers Awards 2013 (ZAA2013) in the categories (Radio Presenter of the year and People's choice award). 

How did it all begin?
My love of music has been my inspiration and It has always been in me. I was exposed to music in the 90's through many influences from my family growing up. The interest grew further to internet radio in 2006 when I was searching for zim local music and was fascinated in hearing local content - music being streamed online and in 2008 I decided to take the plunge and attempted to join radio stations but had no idea as to how to do it. 
In 2009 I came across a radio station where I used to listen to ZIMNET Radio, I made enquiries and was told who to contact. Later on in that same year joined Hwamhanda Radio (Now Gospel) radio station where I had my test run show.
I then went to join ZIMONLINE Radio and my playlist was basically "loverz rock" reggae/dancehall. I then later stopped being a DJ to pursue further education and in 2012, joined Afrovibes radio hosting a mixture of shows (mixed blend). 

I left the radio station joined Dzimbadzemabwe Radio where I finally switched to Gospel music which led to being latter nominated for the Zimbabwe Achievers Awards in two categories which where  Radio presenter of the year and the people's choice award. In 2014 I then took a break from being a DJ to concentrate on building my career (a wise man has many talents) 
After a long break by God's grace, came back in 2016 to a new radio station Afrozim Radio (Now afrozimvibes radio) and the show is back in full swing.

Where did the name come from?
The name soley came from the content of the music being played on the show, as initially I was known as DJ Will but then later changed to DJ Blessed as I made the transition to Gospel musicThe essence of the show is to bless and enrich people through music as I believe music is a powerful tool and has impact on people. Through playing music people get blessed and are minstered to.  

Why Gospel music?
Gospel music is not something many people go for, making the switch from circular music into gospel music was a big change as the audience that followed the show dropped, which can be a hit on your confidence as a DJ, however I was determined to stick with my decision and continued on. So, little by little by the grace of God, I gained confidence within the gospel scene and saw the audience begin to grow again. I believe that the bible is very much relevant today as it was relevant in those early days and one way to be sure of this was the words of Jesus when he commissioned us to go into the world and preach the gospel. So with this vision, to have church in form of music on the go where ever people are in the world they can still be blessed. I am fulfilled knowing that someone is being blessed by the show.

What is your favourite gospel tune of all time?
Oh wow, I have many songs that come to mind but I can say this song by House Fires - I will build my life, is a song close to the heart and an everyday tune, I encourage you to listen to it!

Any advice for upcoming DJ's in the gospel industry?
I would say this: In the book of Joshua 1: 6 - 9 God instructed Joshua to be strong and courageous. This was to prepare him for what was ahead of him.
The opposition that you will get for chasing your dream may cause you to think otherwise but stick with it. God is not a man that he should lie. He gave you that platform to share with Gods' people so do not be shaken. Base your trust in his firm Foundation and you will fly high.. 
And, This goes out to anyone and everyone with a dream do not let anyone discourage you from fulfilling your desire, believe that you can achieve the goal, work hard, be focused and do not be swayed or discouraged by what you see, #keepinyourlane and run with the vision.

Where can people find you? - social media et

FB                 :
Twitter           : @dj_blessed
Email              :

Show Name : The Global Gospel Show
ON Air :  Mondays from 8PM - 10PM GMT (UK TIME) 
Location :  TUNEIN APP: afrozimradio

Until the next one...
Michelle. M

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