Saturday, 20 July 2019

Power of Writting Things Down

I never understood the power of writing things down until this year 2019

This year has been very challenging for me as I have found myself drifting. Let’s start from the beginning …

So in 2018 a lot of things happened and going towards the end of the first half of 2018(June) I decided to take a break from everything in regards to business and blogging, just to concentrate on my personal (building friendships with people around me and I also took that time to focus on getting my foot in into my new career) which I have done.

However, I feel like I took far too long in that state it's now almost a year I've been in that state.

Now as the new year came - 2019 I knew in my head the things I wanted to do but made the mistake of not writing them down.

And when we got to February, I had totally forgotten most of the goals I set and forgot the action plans I had somehow stored in my “memory”

I had made some bullet points (lazily) on my phone but not specific detailed plans like I usually do.

As, I did not take the time to write things down, I became a little bit lost as to which direction I was going to take and how I was going to execute my goals.

You see I have been in this position before just after I left University and was now in the real world trying to figure out which path to take but had no plan. All I knew is I needed to be doing something with my life as my peers where already 10 steps ahead of me.

That was one of the main reasons why I decide to start the company NCUKSA so other people young and old would not have to go through that limbo period where you have no sense of direction.

 I'm telling you this little story (not the whole story) before I go into detail the benefits of writing things down because I wanted to give you guys a context of where I'm coming from.

 Whenever I write these blog posts, I do my best to put my personal experience into the post. I may not tell you the full story, but the solution to the problem is always in the post.

The Benefits of Writing things Down:

1.       You have a record of how your mind was thinking the time you wrote down your goals

2.       It’s like having your own silent PA – there to remind you of what to do

3.       Seeing things written down brings things to life and makes them more manageable

4.       Writing things down especially your goals and action plan keeps you focused and on the right direction to achieving whatever it is you set out to achieve

5.       Having a record of your goals and action plan writing down gives you the chance to measure your growth and progression

6.       And finally, it’s a great motivator

I hope this helps you put into perspective and encourages you to write things down. In life we all have desires to become a certain type of individual according to our God given destiny. It is only those who plan and act that either reach their desire or reach close to it.

If you need help with personal development planning or goal setting/action plans, then head over to . We have one to one service available to help you get to where you need to be.

We also have personal development planning template available to download for less than a pound.

(please note payments are made via PayPal and we do not keep record of your debit/credit card details)

Until the next one

